ShenZhen2U based in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, China. We provide high quality but low price electronic components/tools and PCB/SMT/TESTING services.
As we know, Shenzhen has the biggest electronic markets in China even in the world. The electronic components here is incredible cheap, but there are also a large number of very poor quality products, so the real cheap but good product must be carefully selected . So our mission is selected some high quality but low price products for innovators.By our services, innovators can save time and risk in sourcing and focus more on design.
In addition, we also cooperate with some quality factory to provide you with PCB, SMT, testing services, relieving you of these tedious boring work.
+86 191 9627 2716
+86 181 7379 0595
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday